
Welcome to Kehillah B’nei Abraham Messianic Synagogue, Inc., which can be translated as Congregation of the Children of Abraham.

KBA was founded in the fall of 2022 by a group of families who desired to create a place where they could worship and study the Scriptures together in community, living out their faith in the Messiah of Israel in a Messianic expression, just as the First Century believers did.

At KBA, we believe in the truth of the Tanakh (what Gentile Christianity refers to as the Old Testament) and recognize it as G-d’s manual for living our lives in a way that fulfills the two most important commandments:  love G-d and love our neighbor. We also recognize the fulfillment of the promised Messiah in the birth, death, resurrection, ascension of Yeshua, and seek to live our lives in a way that brings Him glory, honor, and praise.  We believe that Yeshua lived and taught within the context of the Jewish culture of life. Living a life that is guided by the Torah (G-d’s teaching) requires one to honor the Shabbat and other Moedim (G-d’s appointed times). In Yeshua’s time, worship at the Temple was a part of life in Israel, and if one lived in Jerusalem could be part of one’s daily life. A disciple of Yeshua is to obey the commandments of G-d.  We believe we should join ourselves to Israel and embrace many of the teachings of how to follow the commandments.

We do not subscribe to the beliefs of groups such as the Hebrew Roots Movement, Pronomian Christianity, Two House, House of Ephraim, Sacred Name, House of Israel Congregation, or Black Hebrew Israelites. Instead, our theology and practices are more in line with the congregations associated with “Mainstream Messianic Jewish Synagogues,” such as those associated with the IAMCS (International Association of Messianic Congregations and Synagogues).

Our goal is to build a family of believers who are true followers of G-d, loving and worshipping Him with their whole heart, are well grounded in the Bible (Old Covenant as well as the Renewed Covenant), and who are committed to loving and caring for one another in the unity of Messiah.

If this sounds like the type of community you would like to become part of, we would love to have you join us.


Provide Jewish and Gentile believers in Messiah a ministry that brings them together in community. To worship together, learn together, and live together all the richness of G-d’s Word (Genesis through Revelation), especially the revelation of G-d’s Son, Messiah Yeshua. We do this in the culture of Judaism (which is the culture our Messiah lived out His days on earth during His first coming) to better understand His teachings so we can live out His teachings in our daily lives.